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Are you interested in exploring your ideas about genetic screening and the ethics associated with the changes in scientific advances?

We are looking for people with a lived experience of genetic conditions to take part in a one day workshop as part of a new research project.  The workshop will take place at Graeae Theatre London on Tuesday 24th January 2017.  This workshop is part of a wider project called The D4D project.  Over 4 years we will investigate with disabled people the ways in which they experience and express community, and the ways in which they move in and out of communities.

The D4D project is following a research approach known as Participatory Action Research. This means that all activities are designed alongside the participants involved. At each stage we will explain what we are trying to achieve, and you will play a part in making decisions about how we do this.  We are funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.  Community partners including a range of artists, performers and writers are working alongside academics to explore different aspects of research.  Our workshop led by Esther Fox, Head of the  Accentuate Programme and Sue Moffat Director of Borderlines, New Vic Theatre Stoke, will use Cultural Animation techniques to explore the ways we categorise people and make value judgements. 

Cultural Animation places the “mantle of expert” on the shoulders of members of the community, exploring what changes they would like to see, who should be involved and how to make it happen.  We will be supporting participants to articulate their ideas through actions and images rather than through the written word.  In the process participants create experiences and artefacts (such as mini performances and installations, collections of objects) that are memorable and energise people around core themes and problems that need solutions.  You do not need any previous experience in theatre or the arts to take part, just a willingness to explore different concepts and ideas about the ways disabled people have been categorised or segregated in the past and the ways this may continue to happen in the future. 

There is no predicted outcome from this research and it is designed to be flexible and responsive to those taking part.  However, there is an ambition that the research will inform policy and bring about positive social change.

To find out more about the workshop, what’s involved and how the research will be used, or to book your place (very limited numbers) please email Esther

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