Exploring Fort Brockhurst

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Walking the ramparts of Fort Brockhurst

Fort Brockhurst in Gosport has been a central part of the Creative Landscapes Project since an initial pilot project – Hidden Battles – was run there in 2008. It is a 19th century fort that formed part of the defensive ring around Portsmouth against possible French invasion. Today it is managed by English Heritage as a Collections Store and is open to the public on an occasional basis. Full details of opening times are available from English Heritage.

Working at the Fort in an accessible way has been a challenge, with its largely unaltered Victorian layout, steps into most rooms and its large space. However, the enthusiasm and commitment of the staff and volunteers has demonstrated that, as ever, a positive attitude and imaginative approach can achieve a lot.

The Fort has also been an active partner in Gosport Heritage Open Days, opening the Fort and running a range of accessible events for the annual event each September.


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Artist Caroline Cardus was commissioned to work on the Hidden Battles project to explore with disabled people the everyday battles and barriers that they faced. 

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Project Art Works led Sensory Soundings as part of a series of innovative investigative projects focusing on how people with complex needs experience built space. 

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Splodge Designs were commissioned to lead the Trail Blazing project exploring creative approaches that could make guided tours more accessible to a wider public.

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