If you are interested in Accentuate… then Pitch up!
Sync South East is an Accentuate project that has been working hard for two years to support and develop disabled artists, arts workers, projects and organisations to be the best they can be. As part of Accentuate, it’s looking to create a cultural shift around disability in the way we all include, involve and inspire. And we want you to be part of that shift too.
Everyone connected to Accentuate is looking for collaborators, partners, artists, others, speakers and contacts. Our final event - Pitch! - provides a one stop opportunity for you to pitch up and get sorted.
Pitch! is on 15th June 2011. We can offer you pitches, provocations and persuasion from 30 disabled artists and arts workers and 10 disability-specific organisations and projects – far too good an opportunity to miss! There will be performances, displays, discussions and debates, plenty of time for networking, and lunch too.
Who is in Sync South East? Jon Adams Pauline Alexander Anjali Isolte Avila Mark Barber Michaela Bayley Sylvia Bernat David Bower Caroline Cardus Caroline Coates Creative Future Dada-South Disability Arts Online Jayne Earnscliffe Freewheelers Mike Fryer Rachel Gadsden Marisa Mann No Handbags Outside In Liz Porter Jon Pratty Monika Akila Richards Sarah Scott Stevie Rice Mandie Saw Signdance Theatre International Mark Smith Marc Steene Charlie Stephens Jamie Stewart Stingray Stopgap Rubbena Aurangzeb Tariq Gary Thomas Anya Ustaszewsk Jo Vincent Caroline Ward and others.
Where? The Stables in Milton Keynes, http://www.stables.org/Information/directions
When? Wednesday 15th June 2011, 10.30am – 5.00pm
Access? The Stables has good physical access; BSL interpreters, palantype and audio description will be provided. Please ask for any other access details.
A timetabled programme will be sent to all those attending in late May.
Due to limited spaces, please let us know if you can make it by emailing joverrent@adainc.org
If you can also help us get the message out about the event, that would be great. Please ask for more details of publicity documents. Thanks
uScreen News!
UScreen the groundbreaking online film making facility led by Screen South has now gone live!
This cutting edge, fully accessible website is gathering members and momentum as young disabled and non-disabled filmmakers are joining up, making, sharing and showing their films.
We would like to invite you to spread the word about uScreen with colleagues, students, fellow filmmakers or any young people you work with on projects. Try out the unique features such as the 3D storyboarding tool and enable young people to create and collaborate on-line.
Help us transform this exciting website into a vibrant and groundbreaking filmmaking community for young people aged 14-25.
Go to http://uscreen.co.uk/ to find out more.
A further funding round is planned for the summer so watch the uScreen website or Screen South website for opportunities to be part of something BIG.
If you have any enquiries contact Alison Dilnutt alison.dilnutt@screensouth.org
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Site by Surface Impression
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